I got tired of rigging something up to test monitors and game boards so I created this portable Cp with self contained power source.
I didn't get around to painting the top. I put a connector on the Video//Sync outputs to mate with adapters. Right now one  for cabinet monitors the
other for my test bench Commodore  monitor. Audio out is handled the same way.
It uses a standard Jamma cable, with adapters can connect to all game boards.
I spent a little time trying to make it as small as possible yet hold everything I wanted, below is the result.
I still need to add at least a service sw.

The jamma supply is mounted to the case. The case is made out of hardwood , the top is just 1/4" thick.
I didn't use plywood, this reduces the weight a bit and has the strength needed. The box is 1/2" thick.

This is totally portable, I can take it to a game cabinet and plug it into the monitor.
 I can also substitute a better game board for use in aligning the monitor.
Some boards have no monitor setup screens or poor ones.

Well that's it.