This clock radio came up locally on
Craigs List. It was in poor shape but I liked the look of it and
it's potential.
Rather then let it wind up in the dump, I decided to make an offer,
the owner accepted.
After a lot of research I found little definitive proof of it's origin.
I did find that it had 2 radio "upgrades" since it was built.
Additional holes in the front panel were the clues.
I finally found that it most likely started life as a Zenette 1931-1932
unit. (see photo of another example)
Then I believe it had a Atwater Kent radio installed. (the speaker and
cable are from a AK)
Finally a Philco 1937 37-611 chassis.
I tried to find a 1931-32 Zenith Zenette to restore it back to where I
think it started life, but
was not able to find one.
Finally, I decided to restore the Philco chassis and install it back
the cabinet, now without the additional mounting holes.
Since it is part of this clock radios history, in a way it is original.
Most likely having been there since the 30's anyway.
This radio has 3 bands- Am and 2 shortwave bands...more later.
Below are some photos.

As found. Damaged grill-missing sections, appliqués applied to
holes with a Sessions Synchronous
clock and 37-611 Philco
All the carving was hand done.

Above is the patent drawing for the "alternating current clock"
invented by Laurens Hammond.
This is the clock mechanism used by Sessions, for this clock.
It must be started by hand to run, it will even run backwards if
started in that direction!
Though the patent was granted in 1933, it was applied for in 1929
This a photo, found online of the
clock radio as I believe it
started life with a Zenette radio installed
Next are some photos showing the restoration progress.
Below is the grill repair.
First the grill as it stood was repaired. It was cracked in a few
places, along with the missing sections.
Then the missing sections were traced onto wood. Then cut out with a
scroll saw and attached to the grill after matching the
contact points. A paper backing was glued to the rear to help
strengthen it during the carving process.

Here a rough drawing on the wood to act as a guide- then carved. This
was 1/4 hardwood. Here finished with new grill cloth.
Below is the clock radio finished.

This photo shows it completed next to my Edison Cylinder player