This is the original rifle, the
barrel has a fair amount of rust. It is also missing the sash chain at
the barrel's end
(see the transformation later)
There are 2 versions of the sound board used in this game
Both versions utilize a Muntz 4 track car player for the background
The version in this game is the more common version.
It has an auxiliary amplifier used for the sound effects.
Above are images of the separate pre amp /amp board. This is used to
amplify the reverb unit's sound effects on games equipped with the amp.
The last image shows the germanium output transistors mounted to a heat

The basis for this schematic was created by an unknown author, I have
altered it a bit. The outputs are PNP & NPN Geraniums
The 2 drivers are general audio PNP silicon devices. The device
connected between the power outputs is a themister.
Here is what the original 4track tape looks like, appears to be an
8track but it's not.
On the reverse side (not shown) there is a hole for the pinch roller to
enter the cartridge from the player. 8tracks have the pinch roller in
the cartridge.
I have begun the hunt for a recorder capable of recording these
Finally, after years, I found one and restored it.
Later, I will produce a working copy of a soundtrack recorded on a 4
track tape
This is my Muntz M500 recorder!
Here is the the replacement 4 track tape I made for the Muntz tape deck
If your reading this and have an original Bonanza sound system in your
game but don't have the tape- email me, I can help.
I took the original sound track and copied it over and over to the end
the track so there would be enough material to over write the
donor tape music completely. This way there would be no dead silence
or previous music track heard.
(A prerecorded music tape was used since no blank tapes could be
Later on this page is a digital alternative to having a working player
and tape to
provide background sound effects.
This option was not used on my game, since I finally had the solution
to fully restore the original sound system.
The above schematic came from the inside lid of my muntz, it was in
poor condition, if you have a cleaner one and can scan it please email
Before I had the ability to make a 4track tape to use
the Muntz player, I created an alternative sound system,
using some modern circuit choices.
Of note: if you are reading this and have your own Bonanza, you may be
able to restore the original internal game sound effects easily.
(* This applies to the Bonanza version that does
not have
an external
amplifier added to the sound board.)
If you are fortunate enough to
have the Muntz sound tape deck in your game but no tape ,
you may be in luck if the player amp is good along with a working
reverb unit in the game and delay relays (good 250uf & 1500 uf
caps). (update: I can make you a replacement 4 track tape and restore
your deck if needed)
Just pop the cover off the player and manually engage the tape drive as
though a tape was installed, turning it on.
Close up the player. If the amp in the player works , volume controls
up, you should now have the effects working. No background music of
There is some misinformation out there on how this system works, it's
very simple.
Short duration of the amplified reverb pickup on = gunshot, long
duration of
pickup reverb on = mine explosion.
Those 250uf & 1500uf are what keeps the sound on along with the
rectifier diode, which hold the relays closed after the momentary shot
/ explosion
Volumes for both effected by the master volume on the sound board amp
along with the volume controls behind the grill.
Obviously the gunshot should be lower and the explosion louder.
In the sound board version without the auxiliary amp there is no master
Notice: The Willaims wiring diagram for this game does
NOT show the version of this game
equipped with the auxiliary amplifier. So, the wiring is different than
shown. Most notably is that the auxiliary amp does
NOT share grounds with the 4 track
For those that do not have the Muntz tape deck, (no Aux Amplifer) you
too can re-activate
the original effects
by adding an external amp with magnetic cartridge pre amp.
Here is a cheap one that shows
up on ebay and will work.

It's a radio shack SA-150 . You could use
the second channel for the back ground sounds with an 8track player and
available 8track tape, or now add the board below for
complete sound restoration.
(Since this was originally written,
there are now small self contained mp3 players with onboard amps, as
well as separate individual boards that can be programmed through USB)
Game Cabinet Sound Wiring Information
The connector on the board is setup like this. Unfortunately there
isn't a color code chart on the wires .
To get the correct orientation if you use a meter you should be
able to locate (
DE) about 14 volts ac or easier, the pickup coil
signal (
BG) is on a shielded cable.
This lettering represents looking down at the connector on the sound
board. So it's equal to looking at the back of the connector...if that
makes sense.
A=Ground (also Music / Background effects Out Gnd)
B=Reverb IN (Comes from reverb unit pickup coil-shielded cable)
C=Music / Background effects OUT (connected to output of Muntz)
out to game
D=AC (input to bridge rectifier for muntz 12volt power, on
sound board)
E=AC (to bridge on sound board)
F=Sound Effect (Gun shot / explosion) output to game ( not be used
on later games would be considered common on Muntz since both sounds
went through it)
G=Reverb IN (Comes from reverb unit pickup coil-shielded cable)
H=Sound Effect (Gun shot / explosion) output to game
I=12volt + power for tape deck
J=12volt+ power from bridge rectifier (on sound board)
The Reverb In (
BG) would go to the Magnetic phono input.on
an amp (one side ..say left)
The sound effect out (
HF) would go to speaker output of
the amp (one side ...say left)
For the Music / Background effects OUT (
AC) , connect to digital
source, tape player etc. (must auto repeat)
If the source for this is the right impedance / level it may be
possible to use the other preamp / amp channel for this.
Note: this may not be acturate for the non amp version of this game.
Don't forget the volume controls behind the front grill
(Later I have reproduced the volume label located behind the grill,
that may be missing since it was stapled across the interior cover edge)
You will be able to control how loud the gunshot is versus the
explosion. The difference in sound between them being how long the
sound stays on
from the vibrating spring on the reverb. Note: if you fire quickly
after the mine explosion, a rifleshot may sound like an explosion until
the relay times out.
Also, the available schematic shows the reverb pickup coil
sharing one side with the speaker common, on my unit this is
true. If your
unit is wired that way,
attention will have to be paid to hooking up the inputs and outputs so
that the grounds match. Do this by checking that none of the pins
(BGHF) are connected together using an ohm meter. If they are,
those are the common ground wires.
Alternative Sound System Idea
Here is one working solution to alter the sound system when the Muntz
player is missing or non-working.
This board has the background music recorded on it. It runs on 12 volts
and can auto start and loop play.
It's only major drawback is it's .5watt
output limitation. I have tested it and it works well. As
I write this I have
not tried running it with game's speaker along with the game running
(motor noise etc)
So the jury is out whether the output is sufficient to overcome the
games operating noise.
This board is normally sold for use by model railroad enthusiasts. I
had the background audio file custom loaded into it.
Effectively this tiny board replaces the 4track player along with
an additional amplifier for the sound effects.
I'm looking into a 12volt stereo amp one channel for the
background and on channel for the effects.
All of the above can be mounted on the sound system board and be
connected there including power.
Adding realistic sound effects to replace the reverb output will take a
bit more work and require additional module(s) and a circuit
change to allow for different sounds to
be used. Unlike the original sounds which are really one sound with
different time lengths.
A single additional module wired to respond to the control of the
reverb relay could substitute for that unit. This could provide more
realistic sounds for both
the explosion and gunshot.
The best solution would be 2 additional modules for the separate sounds
NOTE: The idea above was envisioned
about 10 years ago, but never fully implemented I never gave up
on the idea of fully restoring the original
sound system as it was designed.
In recent times, I have seen others replacing vintage game components
with modern design choices often not really putting in the effort to
restore the games defective or missing components.
I now believe , unless there is no alternative every effort should be
made to restore games to operate under their original design.
If not possible, to at least utilize a method consistent with the time
the game was made.
Such as replacing a missing 4 track player with a 8 track player.
A recent example I saw posted , of a poor idea for game restoration. A
technically skilled servicer working on a 1953 bowling
machine, was working on a "upgrade" to remove the back glass and
scoring components and replace it with a LCD monitor and a
computer yuk
As mentioned earlier, I now have the means to create a 4 track tape to
be used with the original Muntz player.
This is my intention. Since a 4 track loop tape of the correct
original length is not available, a tape of any length will be used
with the original sound track stacked
to increase the materials length. It is unlikely I will be able to
locate a blank 4 track tape so a prerecorded music tape will be
Additionally, I will now restore the Muntz player which was left as
found. (this has begun, photos will follow)
The Muntz 4 track tape deck has been restored.
There were only 2 issues. First the belt had disintegrated, next
without the belt the flywheel did not spin freely.
The flywheel was removed, the bearing cleaned, the rubber ring above it
removed, and the flywheel capstan shaft cleaned using 0000 steel wool.
A new belt was installed, head and pinch roller cleaned and the
deck was good to go.
Here are the dimensions of M-35-69 Muntz deck belt: 11.75" in
length, x 7/32" in width x .040 thickness
I used a precorded 4 track music tape, and recorded the Bonanza sound
track over it. I stacked the music track to about 25 minutes to assure
put enough material on the tape to over write the entire original
It worked great.
Fellow Bonanza owners, email me if you need a tape. (8 or 4 track)
I now have a fully working original sound system in the game.
There were a few other issues that had to be corrected after the deck
On my game there is a separate amplifier for the reverb sound
effects that had a bad preamp transistor.
Previously I had corrected an issue with the reverb unit itself.
There is an arm on it, called the spring striker.
The end of that striker had broken off .
I had to make a repair to that arm as it is no longer available.
It's possible that the arm on the reverb unit was fabricated as a
See photo below.
I riveted a piece of brass to the striker end to replace the missing
TECH TIP: It is critical that the connectors on the sound board feeding
the signal from the reverb pickup are clean.
On this game besides the dirty sockets and pins on those connectors, on
the larger sound board socket the soldered tabs on the bottom were
touching the
painted board creating a resistance path between pins.
The output of the reverb unit, either is processed by the early
bonanza's Muntz player's unused music channel or later fed to the input
of the
separate sound board mounted preamp/amp. The both in and out signals
are connected through the plugs and sockets on the sound board
and then through
the delay relays (rifle & explosion) before going on to the speaker
located next to the background music the game front.
This wiring diagram found on the Williams Wiring fr the game, only
applies to the Bonanza Game that does NOT have the separate reverb
What appears to be the more common version using a separate amplifier
is NOT wired this way.
The Speakers do NOT share a common ground.
This drawing shows how the Non amp version of Bonanza Reverb was set up.
The "pickup coil" is the reverb pickup and as seen here is
connected to the tape deck. (unused music channel)
Of note is that the pickup is NOT grounded. The cable shield is
grounded to reduce or eliminate hum.
This is not the case when the Bonanza game that has the auxiliary amp
It's all basically the same with the exception that the deck's
unused music
channel was NOT used at all. Instead the amp board serves that purpose.
Below is how the amp version is setup.
I've included signal path information to make this a bit easier to
A fellow owner came to me with a problem of no gunshot / no explosion
I have included everything here that should help solve the issue.
This setup is a bit confusing especially if the Bonanza game owner does
not have the customized Muntz deck or is missing the sound board.
As can be seen here , in this version of the sound board the tape deck
and speaker share nothing with the reverb amp and speaker.
This information is NOT included in the drawing supplied by Williams
for this game.
Note: the writing in pencil on the control backs, so they knew
which spot to put them in.
The big difference in this version's wiring is that in this version the
speakers do NOT share the chassis ground.
The amp output is isolated from the deck ground.
Note: the missing art
in the center is not missing just not attached.
The missing rider is also
not attached, received this way. The chain was missing
the master link as well as having the following issue.
Again thanks to Pinball Resource who
had the actual replacement part
(B-7300) this will be replaced shortly!
The master link is a #41
(pitch ½" roller width
¼") not available from Pbresource.
I was surprised to learn Williams used an actual 22 rifle on the game.
Makes sense rather than try and create a replica.
The early version of this game has the bolt in the cutout on the
stock, I believe the parts list shows it that way, it appears later it
was removed.
If someone knows the history of this email me

Here it is restored
This is a 1961 Ad for the model 514 rifle used
on Bonanza, check out that price!
Here is another Ad for the rifle that was
adapted for Bonanza
Announcement in Billboard
Here is the start of the cabinet restoration.
Since all the art on my cabinet has been painted over I
have no visible art to trace.
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any local collectors that has one of
these that I can trace the
art from.
I thought it would be possible to
carefully remove the top layers of paint to expose the
original art without much difficulty, that proved to be not
I tried a number of suggested methods. None worked well on what appears
to be paint that is many years old. Using a heat gun I was able to get
at enough of the art to begin recreating the front side of the
cabinet art.
Here is the art re-created on the side door and a pix showing my
archeological "dig" to uncover the art.
I'm currently in contact with a fellow owner (Steve Moritz in Long
Beach Ca.)who has offered stencils he has created to repaint his
Bonanza game, when he is done
with them. This is a welcomed development given how much work
it is to get at the original art work.
Grill ( 2 versions)
The front pegboard cover which hides the volume controls ( gunshot,
explosion, background sounds), speakers and bell is also missing from
my game.
The choice of pegboard is an obvious one to allow the 2 speakers behind
the grill to be heard.
Here is a picture of the grill provided by another Bonanza owner ( Jim
Divoky) and an alternative version.
I've seen 2 versions of
this grill. Possibly an early version and a later
Or, a an original and modified version
Here are some pictures of the process to create the grill.
Using the pegboard holes as a grid , and the photo of an original, I
produced the replacement grill
Here is the finished grill
Getting closer
At this stage of it's restoration, for
a number of reasons the project was put on hold, the game in storage.
Finally after a looong delay, it's time has come to be finished.
Finishing the Side Art (finally)
Here is the finished game (less the new back glass)
Internal Art
I was able to "cleanup" most of the scenery art using color matched
paints but after starting to work on the "target score scenery", I
wasn't happy with how it was turning out. Though the blue and white
areas turned out ok, the rest proved to be a challenge to restore (see
above for art condition as received). It appears that some of the
damage may have come from excess oil on the chain used to move the
rider target. I decided to try my hand at re-creating the art
rather than continuing the restoration of the original. First the art
was scanned. Next a crude cleanup was done. Then it was broken into
layers. Each layer was then repaired and redrawn as necessary (thanks
to my daughter for her help here). Finally it was printed on a heavy
inkjet paper using a commercial sign printer. The result was better
than I had expected. I then sealed both sides of the paper using
a product called "super surface sealer". I then glued the art to
board using spray adhesive.
The final step is to add the black light sensitive paint to the areas
that need it.
The end product is actually better than the original. The original had
errors in overlapping the different layers, this does not.
My daughter's artist talent helped here in achieving this result.
The small blacklight flashlight as you may have guessed illuminates the
fluorescent paint which helps when trying to paint this.
The paint (Wildfire paints) for the sky was mixed to achieve a match
for the original, orange in normal light, yellow under black light.
Another positive of doing this, it got rid of the ugly staples and
holes caused by the method they used to attach this to the game.
I intend to use velcro to attach the new art!.

This is a short video, not the best quality but it does show the
operation of the sounds and lighting effects of my game.
This is an MOV file, some computers and phones may not be able to view
this. It can be downloaded and played by a video player that plays MOV
Originally it was a AVI file but a Mac user could not play it. So I
changed it to a MOV file. If you have trouble playing this on a Windows
platform let me know.
Coin Door
First though not documented, the lamp(s) used in the coin door is a
type 51 (7.5v .22amp)
The coin door is attached to the wiring harness of the game through a 8
pin plug.
The plug can only be inserted in one direction.
A- Lockout
B- Not Used
C- #3 Coil
D- Lockout Coil
E- Lamp
F- #3 Coin Sw.
G- #2 Coin Sw.
H- Return (lamp & Switches
Note: This wiring chart may change
with different door configurations.
These doors can have 1 to 3 coin mechs.
This reflects the wiring on a single mech door.
Backglass lighting- (21) type #44/47 lamps
Fired Shots- (14) type #44/47 lamps (covered by number plastic
with game over)
Explosion Lamp- 60w 120v Orange
Target assy- (8) #455 Red Blinking Lamps , (1) #44/47 lamp in mine
Bottom target rail - (14) #44/47 (remove staples in scenery-4 screws to
Coin Door Lamp- #51
Black Light- F15T8
Control Relays

Available Documentation
There are 3 available for purchase, a total of 5 that
I know of.
1. The Instruction
2. The Wiring Diagram/Schematic
3. The Catalog Supplement "X" with new
parts and units for Bonanza
4. The William's 1971-72 Parts Catalog
(covers all William's games from space pilot 11/68 to Cimarron
12/70 including prices!)
(according to the above catalog the replacement
screened glass for bonanza in 1971 was $24.00)
5. The Game Flyer
The first 3 are available from